“EXiT 2010 – the Experimental Media Art Festival in Taiwan” will have three main themes: International, Asia, and Taiwan. We will invite internationally well-known curators, scholars, and creative artists from China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, India, and other Asian countries to present their works or theses. Every participant will bring works from her or his own country for the screenings, which will promote discussion, debate, and hopefully collaboration in open forums with Taiwanese artists and scholars. These unique and cooperative activities are meant to facilitate three primary festival goals: (1) highlight the intra-Asian development of “experimental media art,” (2) examine the greater world legacy of experimental film and its relationship with contemporary art, and (3) place Taiwan within these contexts of film and art. The festival’s emphasis on cultural, artistic, and media exchanges will promote the development of experimental filmmaking and media art in Taiwan and the rest of Asia.
「EX!T 2010台灣國際實驗媒體藝術展」由影像-運動策劃主辦。本活動將規劃有國際/亞洲/台灣三個主軸,邀集來自亞洲地區知名策展人、學者及藝術家參展並於論壇發表專文。本展在現有之「國際單元」及「亞洲單元」之邀請展外,更針對國內實驗影像創作者公開徵件,促使本展成為長久深耕的創作者發表、交流之平台。藉由這種全面性且具代表性的交流活動中,開展出台灣實驗媒體藝術領域的新樣貌,以期達到下述之特色:1. 開闢更為專業的實驗媒體對話場域 2. 重新理解二十一世紀亞洲內部的實驗影像與媒體藝術趨勢3. 尋找並發展台灣的當代實驗媒體藝術新語彙。